Get to Know Julie

JULIE JENKINS or MISS J as her camp kiddos call her, has an UNDENIABLE THIRST & PASSION for NATURE, in all of its ELEMENTS

Winged not wired owner Julie jenkins in CIH

Best NO IMPACT Core Workout

Free Intermediate to Advanced BYOB Open Water Workout, Endurance Paddling, Strength training + muscle building, join our group on the meet up app

Standing in one place for hours can cause knee pain for some of us.  It was hard to decide what to wear paddling.  Staying warm without being hot plus staying safe.  I found these LEG compression sleeves help with Knee Pain, Plantar fasciitis, also UV rays, plus they keep me warmer.

Photo Credit: Nick Haro

owner of winged not wired Julie Jenkins
San Gabrials Group Backpacking Winged not Wired
open water paddle with winged not wired owner julie jenkins

What to Wear SUPing

3/2 is most common for paddle surfing for our water temps here

If the water and air temps together,  are over 120, you do NOT need a wetsuit.  If you add the air temp PLUS water temp...if they are UNDER 120, you will need to wear a wetsuit to be safe.  (ie.  water temp is 55 and air temp is 78 = 133 no suit is needed to stay safe)

What not to wear: Cotton can absorb 27x its weight with water. Do not wear sweat pants, shirts or other loose, baggy cotton clothing, if you fall in it can make getting back onto your board extremely difficult. It is not safe.

Devore Trail Camp
Backpakcing the PCT winged not wired

Why this company? 

I am a paddle boarder and wanted to stay with this discipline for physical reasons, NO Ventura watersport companies or ventura surf schools at Mondos (there are 6 schools), were willing to teach me to WING with my Stand-up Paddle Board, or PADDLE SURF, thats all I wanted to do.  To meet needs of those like me (there are a lot), I have created a diverse program, with different watersports and land activities for beginners to do as a small group.  To me, smaller groups help us to co-exist when we have regular programs at the beaches that we are lucky enough to share with others.  To accept others in whatever discipline they choose and be respectful of each other and mother nature plus keep an open mind to new experiences, that is a huge part of my program.

Off Grid Backpacking with Group Winged not Wired

We LOVE it in the San Gabrials, San Onofre & the Lakes too…Watersports, Backpacking, Camping, Biking Riding…..we just love Nature

backpacking the falls
owner of winged not wired Julie Jenkins SUPing

Meet the Owner: Julie Jenkins

 "I LOVE the OCEAN and I have been paddle boarding daily for years every morning and wrestling the wind everywhere I go.   Harbors, lakes and open ocean with wind is common. Knowing wind is predicted all year as the new norm in Southern California, I want to work with Mother Nature, learn to co-exist outside in nature.   Again, I am teaching the kids to Co-Exist in the Environment we have in Southern California today, with the technology available to us today (and how to take care of the Harbor by cleaning it each session).  Healthy habits.  This is what co-existing looks like to me. 

San Gabrials Group Backpacking Winged not Wired